Gifting opportunities devoted to the pocket park’s vegetation will find donor names noted on four strategically placed metal stands in the garden beds, with the largest-gifting “Zone” donors name in the lead, at the top of each stand.
- $2,500 PERENNIAL ZONE A (93 plants) “Monarch Pollinator Garden”
- $5,500 PERENNIAL ZONE B (550 plants) “Splash Pad Circle”
- $2,100 PERENNIAL ZONE C (130 plants) “Flag Garden”
- $2,500 PERENNIAL ZONE D; (236 plants) “Shade Garden”
- $2,000 CRABAPPLES circling Splash Pad (5 trees), ensemble donation
- $1,800 WOODLAND (2 Arrowwoods, 6 Inkberry; 15 Wax Myrtle a/k/a Bayberry); ensemble donation
- $1,700 FRUIT FANTASTICO (4 apple, 2 pear, 8 blueberry bushes, 6 raspberry bushes, 1 fig); ensemble donation
- $1,100 SUMMERSWEETS (17 Sweet Pepperbush); ensemble donation
- $1,000 BEACH PLUMS (10 total); ensemble donation
- $700/tree BLACK GUM (Tupelo) (4) Governor’s Strip Streetscape; donation is per tree
- $900 CEDARS (4 Eastern Red Cedars)
- $500 PINE (Mature Pitch Pine tree);
Online orders can be processed here. 
“A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.”
Elton Trueblood in “The Life We Prize” (1951)
Major Gifts | Trees, Shrubs, Perennials | Benches
Odds & Ends | Engraved Bricks | Friends of the Park |