As a PUBLIC, OPERATING non-profit 501c3, donations from the general public and NGO grant-making charities play an important role in the non-profit’s operation.
Public, operating non-profits are designed to endure indefinitely and through a succession of boards of Trustees extending through generations.
At the conclusion of its fifth year of existence, in December 2022, the IRS will expect to see that Ventnor Memory Park has derived, and is deriving, financial support from “the public.”
From largest to smallest, giving opportunities have been grouped into subsections so that individuals, businesses, group associations – all those who hold Ventnor dear and support its beautification at a location very close to its border -- can share their own commemoratives.
A community is a mosaic of people who love it, participate in it, support it and derive lasting memories from it. The pocket park aspires to have many who’ve called Ventnor “home” become commemorated as “Names & Memories That Live” through donations by those who loved them.
The Author of the Universe invites us to share in the inspired work of creation … and what better way to “create” than to set aside a charming park space for Nature upon which we humans depend.
Helpful information in understanding the rules:
We have plenty of different gift options for small donations as well as large donations to the park. Please click on the differenct categtories for descriptions and to see what appeals to you.
Major Gifts | Trees, Shrubs, Perennials | Benches
Odds & Ends | Engraved Bricks | Friends of the Park