Names and Memories that Live ...The Park hopes to take advantage of price breaks accorded to volume orders for engraved bricks, and our goal is 1000 bricks for the initial lay down of Regimental Red bricks in sizes 4”x8” & 8”x8” — all lovingly bought by Ventnor stakeholders to commemorate special events, loved ones, beloved pets and the like. The bricks will be laid around the circular splash pad in the center of the circular pavered piazza at center of the park.
THANK YOU for supporting THE PARK!
BRICK INSCRIPTION GUIDELINES: Ventnor Memory Park and Brick Markers USA reserve the right to decline any brick donation application if it is determined to be inappropriate by virtue of a stated or implied obscene or profane message. Take care if abbreviations are part of what you wish to have inscribed. Precise location of the purchased bricks will be determined by the masonry subcontractor, although all red bricks purchased pursuant to this aspect of the overall fundraising effort are planned for the central circular piazza area surrounding the splash pad, in center of the pocket park. No addresses, phone numbers or websites are permitted as inscriptions on the engraved bricks. BrickMarkers USA was selected as most experienced supplier offering the best quality. The firm bas successfully worked on New Jersey projects both large (New Jersey Devils Plaza) and smaller (Cape May Stage and Cape May Police/Fire/EMS). Brick Markers® patented laser engraving processes (Vitra Jase® and Vitrix®) vitrify the bricks with inscriptions, rendering the lettering into a glass-like "fill" in the space. Older techniques such as mechanical engraving or sandblasting, which create indentations prone to water filling the space, freezing and cracking the lettering, or "putty" or epoxy fills of indented lettering, were rejected as problematic. ****** **PERMANENCE is THE POINT in commemorating your loved ones or special occasions******** Major Gifts | Trees, Shrubs, Perennials | BenchesOdds & Ends | Engraved Bricks | Friends of the Park |